1.) “Advanced Facebook Ad Targeting” – 掌握了 Basic,学习如何做更精准的Targeting!
2.) “Facebook 镭射版精准的Retargeting” – 找回来看过,点击过,游览过,却没做决定的顾客,提醒他们,你还存在(好像AirAsia一样!)
3.) “Facebook Comment Autoreply 机器人自动回复” – 广告很多PM,该怎样自动把这些顾客的资料收集好,然后继续做跟进?
4.) “Facebook Lead Extraction 自动把「顾客名单」提出来” – 你有打Lead Generation Ad吗?每次要下载Lead很辛苦?为什么不要「自动」把它提出来,帮你省时,又省力!
5.) “Short Video Strategy” – 短视频 – 营销策略
6.) “Short Video Editing Skill- 短视频剪辑 (一部电话,就能做到,不需要昂贵的
7.) “Facebook Messenger Marketing (C-Commerce)” – 自动聊天机器人,帮你跟进顾客,给资料(再也不用自己发资料给顾客)
8. ) 如何设计网站 (不需要 Coding,你会用 PowerPoint,就会用这个Software设计网站了)
9.) Email Marketing – 如何找回 「旧顾客」,如何 “重复”利用之前花钱找回来的顾客名单,让他们在一次跟你下单!
10.) 整理你的名单,标记,并自动跟进顾客!
11.) “把招数合起来变一套策略” – 这几招,合在一起,更有效!
在这5年,我都一直有向几位著名的导师 Gary Vaynerchuk, Azizan Osman, Peng Joon, Patric Chan, Fabian Lim, DMC…学习「网络营销」的知识!
同时,我也有在网上教导 Property Agents 如何通过系统化的营销系统,找到精准顾客,并坐「自动化」的顾客跟进! 至今,我已经培训了超过1179 个Agents, 做了103 场的线下培训, 拍了超过 303 Facebook直播 Live Videos!
你可能在想,Adrian 会不会又教一些Theory上的东西…?
在5年内,我已经达到了【9位数】总销售量。这套系统也让我和我的团队,总共赚取了7位数的commissions 并让我们,更有时间(不用做到像狗酱喘)
你来上课时,绝对不是学Theory. 这不是给你看爽,挺爽罢了!我们会Step by Step Go through整个系统设置
你将学会如何用更好的「文案」来找高素质的顾客群, 自动跟进的营销系统!并像我和我的团队一样,赚取「更多收入」时,也赚取「更多时间」!
☑️17 Hours Training Workshop
☑️Video Recording Access After Class (Worth RM697)
☑️Q&A on Live Video After Class
☑️Private Facebook Group For Discussion
☑️BONUS Whatsapp Link Creator (Worth RM197)
☑️BONUS Comment Auto Reply Software (Worth RM297)
☑️BONUS FB Lead Extraction Tool (Worth RM297
1 Hour Training Video on Researching Your Target Audience
1 Hour Training Video on Marketing Funnel Design
2 Hour Training Video Step By Step Facebook Ad Walkthrough
1 Hour Facebook Custom Audience - Adrian Seow
10 Hour Advanced Internet Marketing - Adrian Seow
「网上付费」了!I love Property. As much as using the Internet to talk and spread about property investment knowledge.
So I combine the best from both fields, into a structural training module for real estate agents to get started in this industry.
In the 21st century, if you don’t live on the internet, You Do No Exist! That’s why I emphasize that, all my team member must learn how to use the internet to create their brand and acquire new customers. I conduct training classes for Real Estate Agents
I also love taking things apart and see how things work, that is why i chose Engineering for my degree.
However, I prefer to deal with people, so i decided to change my field entirely, and explore the real estate indutry!
I am looking for People who share the same mindset as me, to achieve a greater height in real estate industry with the power of Internet Marketing.
If you have experience in Real Estate, But Have no clue about Internet Marketing, why not get a cup of coffee and discuss how can we work out a great plan?
1️⃣ 汽车的Revolution 里有 Ford (福特汽车)
2️⃣ Smartphone的Revolution 里有 iPhone
3️⃣ 那, Internet Marketing Revolution
里Leading Property Agent,会是你吗?
我会在课程你「见到」你吗?©2020 – All Rights Reserved by Adrian Seow
Disclaimer: Here at Seow Zhen Liang, We make every effort possible to make sure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income & results. Earning, income, and results statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individuals. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.
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