“Are You Ready For A Change?”
你是否已经厌倦了整天做【 Cold Call】顾客,被人盖电话,做到Sales,却很久才拿到Commission?
the adrian team
the adrian team
Adrian Seow Specializes in Coaching Property Agents to Leverage on Internet and Social Media to Market Their Properties. He Conducts Weekly Facebook Live Video Training. He is also leading a Team of 67 Property Agents, and Achieved RM100 mil Team Sales in 2018! His vision is for all Property Agents To Be Able To Educate and Give The Best Values to Property Clients using the Internet, while Building A Brand.
He is a Head Of Team in IQI Realty Sdn Bhd, leading over 67 Real Estate Consultants. IQI is a global company with over 2000 Real Estate Negotiators, marketing property projects in Penang, KL, Johor Bahru, Sabah, Sarawak, Melaka, Thailand, Australia, Dubai and other countries. They Combine global insight and industry practices with local knowledge ensures that IQI maintains a structured and disciplined approach with the goal to create wealth for investors.
Adrian Specializes in Project Marketing using the internet as the platform to communicate with his customers. By constantly updating his subscribers about property knowledge and news, he ensures the customers are getting the perfectly right product for their investment portfolio.
Throughout the years in IQI, Adrian has been awarded several times at different occasion. The most recent recognition is Best Project Marketing Specialist by iProperty.com.my.
Over the years in IQI, Adrian has helped over 300 Customers to find their dream properties, amounting to over RM67 Millions In Property Transaction. He is leading over 47 real estate negotiators to excel in this career.
He also conducts training on using Internet Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Email, Messenger) for real estate negotiators to effectively find the right customers for the properties they are marketing. He has trained more than 200 negotiators in this role.
By helping investors and home owners to secure their dream properties and assisting them in proper decision making, Adrian has been awarded with multiple awards and recognition.
In The Spotlight
Part Timer 不能在【地产界】闯出一片天
听听 Ansel Tan 如何靠着Part Time 方式来做地产,并且只用【一个月】的时间,就赚取打工族,2年的收入!
在加入短短3年的时间,就Qualify 公司年奖旅行2次,并且升上Team Leader。
我们家的 Beth Lim 在加入团队的三个月,创下了个人成绩8 Million 的sales,拿下多个【奖项】,并带领团队创下总共 30 Million 的成绩!!
已经拥有7年经验的 Kevin Ong,通过系统话的Marketing Training, 学习了更多Internet Marketing的技巧,在网上找到更多,更精准的顾客!
同时,也开始组织团队,带领更多 Agents 向往成功的道路!
短短【6个月】,就达到了30人团队和 RM45 mil的团队销售业绩!
我们旗下的新人 JasonBeh PropertyConsultant 加入我的团队才一年多。
从传统行业转战 ➡️➡️房地产,挑战固然是有!
✅买了【新屋子🏠】+ 也换了【新车🚗】!
他是怎么做到的呢?守着 ◣ live ◥ 看他怎么说。
当 IT 高手, 学习 Internet Marketing 加上Property 行业 = 如虎添翼。
Stanley Tan在加入地产后,通过系统化Internet Marketing的方法,创下了每月5位数的收入!
💢 新人没经验,❌不能在3个月内◤创造一番成绩◢?
我们家的菜鸟 Brandon Js,在加入短短3个月,做出了RM5.5Mil 的成绩(卖了12套房屋)!
I love Property. As much as using the Internet to talk and spread about property investment knowledge.
So I combine the best from both fields, into a structural training module for real estate agents to get started in this industry.
In the 21st century, if you don’t live on the internet, You Do No Exist! That’s why I emphasize that, all my team member must learn how to use the internet to create their brand and acquire new customers. I conduct training classes for Real Estate Agents
I also love taking things apart and see how things work, that is why i chose Engineering for my degree.
However, I prefer to deal with people, so i decided to change my field entirely, and explore the real estate indutry!
I am looking for People who share the same mindset as me, to achieve a greater height in real estate industry with the power of Internet Marketing. If you have exprience in Real Estate, But Have no clue about Internet Marketing, why not get a cup of coffee and discuss how can we work out a great plan?
Watch My Weekly Past Facebook Live Training Video Here